Oklahoma Wildlife
We raise 3 species of foxes at Oklahoma Wildlife Ranch. Foxes are not a pet for just anyone. They require socialization from an early age. Dogs, which are a common household pet, have been domesticated for more than 30,000 years. Foxes, on the other hand, have only been domesticated since the 1950's. They need consistent love and training. They can be raised indoors but should have an outdoor enclosure where they can run and play and be a fox. Foxes can both dig and climb, so they require an enclosure with a secure top and bottom.
Red fox: $500
Sunglow fox: $650
Gray fox: $500
Ruppell's fox: $1500
Contact us.
Phone: 918-221-1153
To book a hunt: 918-269-4595
Ruppell's Fox

3 weeks old


Red Fox
Red foxes have incredibly soft coats. They enjoy the winter months as their dense undercoats keep them really warm in the winter. Red foxes tend to be more vocal than other fox species and can be very affectionate.

Ruppell's adult

Ruppell's adult
Ruppell's Fox
Ruppell's foxes are small, energetic, and quirky. They are very similar in size to their more commonly known cousin, the Fennec fox. Ruppell's foxes also eat very similar diets as the Fennec. Their dietary needs are more similar to that of a cat, than a dog.

Gray Fox
Gray foxes are arboreal, meaning they like to spend much of their time in the treetops. Therefore, when they are kept indoors, they enjoy running along the back of the couch or you may just find them atop the refrigerator.